April is TWINKLE's favorite month! We can't wait to see you this month. 5 times the FUN with Twinkle and Friends in April!!! 1) Thursday April 1 rst, 2010 (April Fool's Day!) at * The Grove Kids Club (Los Angeles)* 2 FREE shows 11am-11:45am 12noon -12:45pm For More Info: http://www.thegrovela.com/kidsclub.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Thursday April 1rst 2010 (April's Fool Day!) at * Manhattan Village Shopping Center (Manhattan Beach)* Bunny Fun Night ..Art workshop, Face Painting and... Twinkle Time Show 5:30- 6:30pm For More Info: http://www.shopmanhattanvillage.com/go/mallEvents.cfm?eventsOnly=1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Saturday April 3rd 2010 at * Calico Town (San Bernardino)* Twinkle Time Show 1:30-2:30pm and Sunday April 4th 2010 (Easter Sunday) at * Calico Town (San Bernardino)* 2 SHOWS 12...